Selcuk University - Computer Engineering Department - (Phd) (2022 - )
Selcuk University - Computer Engineering Department - (Master) (2019 - 2022)

Necmettin Erbakan University - Faculty Of Engineering And Architecture - Computer Engineering Department - (2016 - 2019)

Publishing - Lane Detection System in Autonomous Cars Powered by Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence

Ansys - SCADE Suite - Certificate
Ansys - SCADE Architect - Certificate
Ansys - SCADE Test For Suite - Certificate
Ansys - Ansys Medini Analyze for ISO 26262 - Certificate

NEU Teknoloji ve Kariyer Zirvesi - Participant - 2019
linux Professional Institute - Certificate - 2019

5. Ulusal Yönetim Bilişim Zirvesi - Davetli - 2018
HRU-CYBER - Member - 2018
CompTIA - Linux Plus Certificate - 2018
Cisco - Introduction to Cybersecurity - Certificate - 2017
Cybrary Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking - Certificate - 2017 
Cybrary Web Application Penetration Testing - Certificate - 2017
Hacktrick Conf 2017 - Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu - Participant 
Akademik Bilisim - Python With Machine Learning - 2017
81 İlde 81 Siber Kahraman KTO - Official Participant - 2017
GDG DevFest Konya- Participant -2017
PICI Cloud Computing Project - 2017

GDG DevFest Ankara - Participant -2016
Computer Engineering Students Congress  2016 - Participant and Representative
Industry 4.0 Konya - Participant
NEU-CYBER - Main Member

Google Science Fair 2015 - Certificate 
Computer Engineering Students Congress 2015 - Cyber Security Team and Organization
Microsof Advanced Programming and OOP - Certificate - 2015